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Please note that I (Gerhard Häring) will not work on this project any longer. At least not in the current form and not in the forseeable future.


pyAda enables programmers to write Python extensions in Ada 95 or extend Ada 95 programs with a Python interpreter. The goal is to make it possible to use Python in any way that you can use it from or with C.

Why pyAda?

  • script Ada programs: more flexibility, programs can be customized by the end user, (unit) testing Ada code.
  • extend Python in Ada 95: this is probably not that important.
  • gives Ada 95 programs access to the vast amount of functionality that existing Python libraries provide. This makes it possible to use features and libraries for which there exists no Ada solution, yet. Examples would be XML, HTTP, FTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP, database access, and many more.


2001-11-12: announced that this project is unmaintained. it's even already in a list of unmaintained Free Software

2001-04-15: a new release; numerous bugfixes; Solaris should work now

2001-03-03: a new release; this one builds on Windows again

2001-03-01: a new release is out, the nastier issues have now be sorted out; Linux and FreeBSD are supported

2001-02-26: pyAda is not dead! I have now sorted out some of the more tedious issues of C-to-Ada mapping. A new release will happen ASAP.

2001-01-28: pyAda moved to SourceForge

2001-01-03: New release on the download page. Updated project status information.

2000-12-31: New interim release available on the download page.


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